2002 : Birth of the Master 
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2002 : Birth of the Master 

It’s already been 20 years since the Master CAWEB was created!

Yes, already! It’s thanks to Renate De La Paix, lecturer and head of training, that this “professionalizing master’s degree”, formerly in the form of a DESS, has been able to continue evolving at the University of Strasbourg since 2002. 

It started out with just nine students, but today it can accommodate a hundred! It has become more selective through its versatility, offering continuous adaptation to web, communication and language professions, including localization. 

But this master’s program would be nothing without its professional lecturers, keen to pass on their passion and knowledge of the digital world. What’s also great is the sense of belonging that CAWEB offers: with students coming from all walks of life and our teaching staff, we form a group worthy of a big, beautiful family! 

For more information, read our article !

We look forward to celebrating CAWEB’s 20th anniversary together on June 22.