Online security and privacy called into question by global security programs : Edward Snowden brings the case to light
You’ve probably heard of confidential documents being leaked, but are you aware of the famous Snowden case?
In 2013, tens of thousands of NSA documents about the US agency’s massive surveillance program were revealed to the world by Edward Snowden, a security analyst for an NSA (National Security Agency) subcontractor.
He leaked secret documents showing how the NSA collected data on phone calls, emails and other online communications, even without a judicial warrant.
You’re probably wondering why he would do such a thing? Snowden thought it was a violation of privacy and human rights. Some consider him a hero for revealing these secret practices, while others see him as a traitor for disclosing classified information.
These actions had far-reaching consequences. Firstly, he had to flee the United States for Russia. Secondly, distrust of social networks began to grow: people feared being spied on, and a new awareness emerged.
Some people took up Obama’s slogan “Yes we can” and transformed it into “Yes we scan” to denounce this industrial espionage. Subsequently, measures were taken by European countries, the RGPD – General Data Protection Regulation – was then implemented in Europe.
And you, what do you think of this case ?

@ Pixabay