Ahh 2020… You know where we’re going with this, right? Remote work, online classes, staying in pajamas to work…

For many, it was an entirely new way of working, and for some, it’s still their way of working today! How did you experience the shift to online work ?
In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of remote work and online collaboration tools, leading to an increased use of the internet for work, education, and social interactions.
It’s no surprise to anyone that work during the lockdown often meant “in pajamas behind my screen.” Indeed, for many of us, both students and professionals, the COVID crisis brought about a drastic change in our work habits.
Even after the crisis, remote work remains a possibility in the professional world. However, for many, remote work is viewed unfavorably, often associated with a lack of structure, discipline, and therefore poor performance by employees. In fact, France has embraced this mode of work far less compared to its European neighbors.
And you, are you still working remotely ?
Credits : Freepik