“I wouldn’t be here without our caring mom, Renate de la Paix.”
Story from Astrid Marchioli, former CAWEB Master’s student

” I had the immense honor of participating in the first year of the CAWEB Master’s program… or rather, back in my day, the DESS CAWEB, in the very distant 2002-2003! It was brand new, fresh, and for me, it was the ‘logical next step’ after the LEA Master’s degree. The combination of languages and IT proved to be a winning mix, given the global success of this Master’s program. HAPPY 20th!
I admit that I didn’t become a super programmer, gamer, or web pro as I had planned back then; but that’s another story…
However, I had unforgettable moments with my ‘classmates.’ There were incredible and unforgettable laughs during classes (one instructor even stormed out and slammed the door… sorry…), and during project times, our classroom turned into a workspace with a snack bar and a relaxation/puzzle corner with Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter themes, but also a lot of work, support, and camaraderie that I remember fondly!
In any case, I wouldn’t be here without our caring mom, Renate de la Paix, who even back then told me, ‘You, I see you in communication, you need to do something with your languages and your voice!’ A big thank you also to all the teachers and instructors who ventured and experimented with us. I apologize for the lack of attention and interest I may have shown in some subjects!
Thank you for this wonderful year that marked the beginning of my professional life, because thanks to my ‘classmates’ and CAWEB partners, I took my first steps into the working world!
See you at the 20th anniversary for more juicy anecdotes 😉 “