Translation immediacy technology can unite us all in record time
How will language bring one another closer even though they live further? Nowadays, instant interlingual communication is possible thanks […]
Poetry in translation is like taking a shower with a raincoat on: was the Japanese poet right?
Translating or not translating: that is the question In the movie Paterson, the Japanese poet randomly met by the character […]
Virtual reality and disability : is there a compatibility?
Presumably, you might perceive virtual reality as a simple video game support. However, in addition to witnessing unprecedented growth in the entertainment industry, VR headsets are employed in multiple fields such as education, tourism, art, and social and medical areas. More precisely and less expected, the support for people with disabilities is amongst the multiple purposes of this technology. But how? Is this device really suitable?
Translating in times of Covid – How to benefit from social distancing
There is one word that triggers various emotions in all of us, and that we get quite tired of hearing: Covid 19. For the past two years, our lives have been turned upside down and a few words have become the norm : pandemic, lockdown, protective masks, quarantine, social distancing…
Translating Humor: Is It a Matter of Localization?
Making jokes and satire have been around since a long time ago. And this, in itself, is a wonderful thing that human beings, in all societies, have always tended to find something to tell each other with the purpose of joy and laughter. Jokes sometimes have universal contents, like sex jokes, for example.
The importance of cultural customs during a business meeting
When organizing a meeting with international businesspersons, the vast majority of managers focus on more work-related matters, such as creating […]
CAWEB Master’s Adds New Intercultural Communication Course
Starting in 2021, the CAWEB master’s will have a new course called Intercultural Communication. We are honored to have the […]
The Transcreator, a Key Asset to Your International Marketing Campaign
A company looking to grow its reputation will need to try to expand internationally in order to reach more people. […]