CAT tools: can technology replace human translators?
What are the differences between machine translation and computer-aided translation? Machine translation is generated by a software, and is based […]
The Future Prospects of Green IT
Green IT in Full Swing According to António Guterres (Secretary General of the United Nations), half of the world’s population […]
Green Web Design Trends: “Ultra-Minimalist Navigation” and the Return of Static Websites
Eco-design has become a major concern in terms of ecology and the environment. “Faster, more efficient” has become Google’s motto. […]
The Indispensible “Mobile-First”
Trend of Eco-Friendly Web Design: The Indispensible “Mobile-First” Frédéric Bordage, expert in sustainable digital technology and author of the book […]
Ecological Design
Nowadays, digital is part of our daily lives. We are all affected in one way or another by this technology. […]
Web and Ecology
When we hear the words “environmental pollution’’, what pops into our heads? Factories emitting polluting fumes? Traffic jams negatively impacting […]
Useful tools to make your website accessible
In our digital era where everyone is connected, the internet seems to be the new marketplace. If you want to […]
Disappointed with Facebook? Discover AllSocial
Social networks have been gaining power for many years, and are multiplying at an astronomical speed. It’s hard to stay […]