Master in Multilingual Web Communication

Master in Web Communication, Web technologies, Localization

Embark on a transformative journey exploring the dynamic world of multilingual web communication and UX design with our cutting-edge master’s program. Designed by industry leaders, our curriculum immerses students in the core principles essential for thriving in the following digital fields:

What Sets Our Program Apart?

Experience unparalleled flexibility with our distance-learning program taught exclusively in English by industry experts.

Interactive and Flexible Learning, based on Live Interactive Sessions & Real-World Projects

Our course structure offers a balanced approach, combining self-paced learning with interactive instruction. Seventy percent of the coursework is designed for independent study, allowing you to learn at your own pace. The remaining 30% consists of live sessions led by expert instructors. To accommodate your schedule, all live sessions are recorded, so you can access them whenever it’s convenient for you.

This structure ensures that you can manage your studies alongside your professional responsibilities, giving you the flexibility to learn on your terms.

Career Pathways

Graduates of the Masters in Multilingual Web Communication are equipped to pursue a variety of roles.

Graduates of this program are well-equipped to pursue careers in:

Why Choose the Multilingual Web Communication Track?